#169: Jon Lee Anderson | From Liberia to Havana...

A Life in Adventure, Conflict Zones & Journalism

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New Yorker Staff Writer & One Of The Great Living Journalists

I once responded to a question in a grant application that the people I admired most were great adventurers, great writers and great journalists… the kicker naturally being, that the best was a combination of all three!

Well, in Jon Lee Anderson we have an exemplar for all three of those labels.

Listens past 10 minutes and you will see the adventurer, listen to the details of how he put together Che’s biography and you will understand the journalist and then finally, read anything Jon Lee’s written and you will understand the great writer. 

This was a mighty moment for the podcast.

I managed to hide my nerves behind a facade of professionalism… but Jon Lee and I ended up spending more than 4 hours together as we inhabited a closed, cold, empty drinkers club on a January London morning. 

Enjoy and share widely!

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