Discovering Equity Mates & Speaking Investing In Australian

Who are Bryce & Ren?

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Equity Maaaatess…. Australia’s Future Of Business & Financial Media

Yes, they taught me about investing. Had I not known them I wouldn’t have discovered ASML, wouldn’t have bought at the highs, and wouldn’t have spoken to Jos Benchsop, but more importantly, to me, they represent the dream scenario - ‘best case’ - outcome of what releasing a couple of audio files to the internet can become.

Equity Mates is a blueprint for a podcast that come good.

However, before they were the Equity Mates, they were just Bryce & Ren… not so different to you and me and rest of us reading this email. Uni students, curious, and pretty content with the inevitable careers both of them were being propelled down… but crucially, still open minded to serendipity.

And it was on fortuitous day in 2017 when that serendipity struck… the afternoon Bryce & Ren decided to record a couple ramblings on their balcony. Now 5 years later, they employ a team, produce multiple shows, publish books, are the most valuable media to Australian retail investors, host their own giant event, Finfest, and ultimately, (what is the cherry on top) have turned a passion project and hobby into a lifestyle and career.

What a bunch of legends…

This podcast was recorded with the Equity Mates in the early months of 2022… in person, in their WeWork offices in downtown Sydney.

For me looking back on the episode now… over a year after publication. This podcast is a bit of ‘behind the scenes’ of the Equity Mates business. A discovery of the complimenting personalities that make up the duo and a projection for what they want Equity Mates to become.

I was also stoked to hear from a listener the other day that it’s all still evergreen. This is a bit of an aside, but typically the journey of a person who finds a new podcast is they consume the episode they came there for, and then dive into the catalogue and collect the names that sound interesting. Because of this, I routinely hear from Australians who comment on why there aren’t more Australian guests like the Equity Mates episode.

Short answer is because I live in Sweden, but point of the story is that even coming on 2 years after the episode has been published, it’s as relevant now as it was then.

Happy listening, mates!

Forward this email to a fellow equity mate, or even better, someone who’s keen on investing, but not yet taken the plunge.

Here is a transcript of the opening exchange from the conversation…

So I get the feeling that Ren is the dreamer and Bryce is the realistic one…

Hahaha, wow, what do you reckon about that?

Yeah, I think in general terms, that's probably about right.

I think that's pretty unfair to Bryce. I think you've got pretty big dreams as well. I think sometimes you might be a little bit more grounded in reality than I am.

I think it's a good dynamic. I think Ren's a let's just throw everything at the wall and give it all a crack right now. And I agree with that, but let's...

A bit more order?

Yeah, but definitely yeah, he gives it he gives it the necessary structure that if It was a business where we were both a dreamer or both. We wouldn't have a business I don't think if we if we were both dreamers It would be a real like zero or one proposition like the business would either collapse or would be like just killing it. But yeah, no, I think I think it's an important dynamic I think the main thing is that like we're mates as well and so when I dream a little too much and just have stupid ideas Bryce can say it and when Bryce is a little bit too worried about the dollars and cents I can say it and I think I think the dynamic works…


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